

Take a deep-dive into our lyrics and tracklists

Kuwaisiana is a proudly bilingual project developed by +Aziz. Below are our tracks.]

The band’s lyrics offer reflections to rampant problems we see today: gentrification, climate change, the erosion of human rights, school shootings, nepotism, corruption, identity policing, Arab supremacy, faking history, etc. The songs strive to frame Arab angst in a poetic manner to make it palpable for rock audiences around the world. This is to a large extent what we care about as a band.

Part of being a ‘3rd culture’ artist today means engaging with many potent thoughts with confidence.

There’s a certain absurdist despair embedded in the Kuwaiti identity (and perhaps the Khaleeji identity too) warrants lots of artistic attention. What does it mean to be Arab today? What does it feel like to be a young Khaleeji today? To what extent can one feel at home in the Arab-American diaspora? What is the Arabian Peninsula’s role in the Middle East as the world’s fragmentation increases?